Awk File For Throughput In Ns2

Awk File For Throughput In Ns2 Average ratng: 6,6/10 3478 reviews

Xgraph For Throughput In Ns2


My senario in NS 2.29 has 5 nodes which each node has 2 interfaces to expect node 0 and node 4 and node 0 wants to send packet to node 4. Please provide some sample data with an explanation of it and show how the data should be processed into 'throughput'. It is more likely that someone here can help you who knows AWK but doesn't know NS2 than it is to find someone who knows NS2 as evidenced by the fact that there are 2231 questions and only 83 questions. Also, people will be more willing to help if you show that you've put some effort into solving your own problem and ask specific questions rather than broad, general ones.–Jul 2 '12 at 11:02.

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