Easypal Sstv
Rating:2011-02-06Amazing.Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.Was pokeing around for sstv software and found this easypal, digital drm program, installed it, very easy setup useing Kenwood TS 2000 and signallink usb interface. After adjusting levels and tuning my radio to 14.233 mhz, the designated frequency for sstv on 20 meters - pictures began popping in like magic. I was taken back by the perfect hd like quality. My first pic was from KJ7S, in Utah. Im now hooked.The software crashed a couple of times, but it is still in beta.I havent sent yet, but maybe today. ' )Earl, AB9TX.

Rating:2008-10-22Impressed!Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.I had been fooling around some with Analog SSTV after getting my Windows Vista machine and HRD by Simon Brown (with the awesome DM780) working. I knew some of the guys were doing DRM stuff but didn't know much about it. I did a quick search on google and found that they used EasyPAL lately so I downloaded the latest beta, installed and fired it up. I put my callsign in the setup and made sure it was looking at the correct soundcard input and outputs.
Got on 20 meters and heard the soft hum of digital on 14.233 USB. The first complete transmission and BOOM!!! A picture of a fine ORCHID from XE1RK popped up in my receive window!asked if I could try to send and after a BSR/FIX he got my pic just fine! Later that night I got on 7.173 LSB and found a great bunch of guys willing to help and you should not be afraid to come on and join the fun!
If you ever did Analog SSTV, you will be AMAZED at Digital HDSSTV via EasyPAL!de KX5JT kx5jt.net. Rating:2008-10-09Works FineTime Owned: 3 to 6 months.I’ve used several versions (currently Sept 8th 2008) of EasyPal on several systems running XP, Vista, and Vista 64 without any problems. Sounds like W8CJ has a conflicting program or other computer problems. There are many users here locally using the software on our local SSTV net as well as dozens of users on HF using the software without any major problems. It is a Beta and not well documented but I have had none of the instability problems (nor has anyone I’ve talked to) that W8CJ has had.
Sstv Interface
Rating:2008-09-20Does not workTime Owned: 0 to 3 months.Downloaded it and installed it on two computers. Was able to set the comm port and soundcard audio levels and figure out how it was supposed to rend and receive SSTV pictures or text. The bottom line, it does not work. Four times out of five, the computers return error codes and close the program. At other times, the 'waterfall' is a blank white box, or other things may freeze in the computer display. Well- what can I say. It -was- freeware.PLEASE READ.PRODUCT REVIEWS TERMS & CONDITIONS-NOTES. How to read excel file in c# console application.
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Easypal Sstv Download
Thesite will be something that everyone involved can be proud to say theywere a part of.The eHam.net Team, Revision 10/99.