9dragons Speed Hack Cheat Engine
The hack should be using Cheat Engine program.You can download the program here:. Open as usual the game and load the character you need to play. Then open the Cheat Engine that you install. In process selection, choose 9D.exe. Choose 'Add Adresss Manually' button at the right center of the program. In address key in the code i gave you stated below.
Description is up to you. Me i put 'Speed Hack'. Type put ' Float'. The pointer just leave it blank.
9dragons Speed Hack Cheat Engine 6 3 2019 Date
When ok, the code appear at the bottom. Then activate it by clicking on it. Lastly, just change the value that i given you below accordingly.2 Type of speed hack here. Up to you like.1st - Address: 010F8A5C Type: Float Value: 412 to 415 ( fast - fastest )This type is warp speed which you can't see the character running itself.2nd- Address: 010F8A5C Type: Float Value: 4153This type is character run in high speed while you can see his running movement.Caution: Just don't used it all the time since people now frap ( record ) and send the video to G1. Then your account will be banned.