Widescreen Patch Kotor 2
From what I gathered, the Steam release of KOTOR II received an exclusive update a number of years back. That added improved functionality.Looking at threads on this forum, it seems that the GOG version did not initially receive that update. I can't seem to find a clear answer, but has the GOG version been in fact updated with that Steam exclusive patch?It's June 2017, so I'm hoping yes. I own both versions, but would much rather play the GOG version, unless it lacks that native widescreen support and bug fixes introduced in that Steam version. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. TheAtomikPunk: Wow, that's a little disappointing; both to hear that it's not updated, but also the type of people responsible for the update.I'd like to hear opinions then about the relative merits of the 'improved' Steam version.
Kotor 2 Download
The DRM-free goodness of the GOG version- i.e is the Steam version worth putting up with for improved functionality, or would you advise sticking with the GOG version? Am I missing something if I play the GOG copy? Unless you want native widescreen support and controller support, stick with GOG version. Apparently the new update introduces some issues with fog and lightsaber textures.