Mike James Imagine This Mp3
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Mike James Imagine This Mp3 Lyrics
This impressive and long overdue release features allthe original Opihi Pickers' hit recordings all on oneamazing collection plus, as a special bonus, two brandnew Opihi Pickers songs chosen just for this release.“Old Fashioned Touch”, “You’re All I Need”, “Our LoveIs Divine”, “My Melody”, “Victim”, “Beautiful Ladies”,the list goes on and on of songs that have not onlybeen heard all over local Hawaii radio, but songs thathave also inspired a new generation of musicians topick up the ukulele and play music. The two brand new songs are sure to stand out amongthe classics. “Brighter Day”, an optimistic look tothe future, is pure Opihi Pickers with an up-tempofeel, positive message, bright harmonies and signatureukulele lines. On the new song “Solo Flight” Imua Garza sings of ajourney he feels that he must take on alone eventhough it means leaving the solid ground that hecurrently knows behind. Over the years, the Opihi Pickers have performed athundreds of events in Hawaii, on the US mainland andin Guam including the KCCN Birthday Bash, KWXXDowntown Hilo Ho'olaulea, Jammin’ Hawaiians, BombBucha, Bomb Diggity and Bomb Bastic as well as popularcarnivals, Ho'olauleas, community and private events.The Opihi Pickers have lent their support to manyworthwhile youth-oriented causes including D.A.R.E.,American Heart Association, REACH, Domestic ViolenceAwareness, Prevent Child Abuse, Coalition for a DrugFree Hawaii and the Hawaii Bone Marrow Drive. Since their early teens, the boys of the Opihi Pickers— Imua Garza, Hoku Garza, Kahale Morales and KevinOkimoto — were seen growing up in the public’s eye allwhile making some of the most memorable hit music inlocal radio history. 2008 marks their tenthanniversary as recording artists having now releasedseven CDs during their career.
Fetch!This is our first 'rocking!' Band record, it is lo-fi, hungover, bloody, and I think we are all very happy to have gotten it out of our sytems. The songs on FIDO (Fuck It, Drive On) speak of sex and dying, and the relationships between decay and growth. FIDO was recorded primarily live, in an empty mansion on the rural outskirts of Philadelphia, welcoming the presence of outside noise.
This is a record about slipping into one's self hood while living within the madness of modern civilization, and the choices that are formed along the way. It is a drunken adolescent rampage with fairy wings. It was recorded by Brandon Miller, Scott Moran, Adam WInokur, and Nate Kowalski. Then with Birdie Busch with some tender harmonies. We hope you enjoy, please don't drink and drive.
Mike James Imagine This Mp3 Song
Just drive and listen to this crazy record. Thanks for listening and take care - brandon.