Detour Mjesec Mp3
Detour Mjesec Mp3 Average ratng: 9,0/10 7676 reviews
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Detour Mjesec Mp3 2016

Detour Mjesec Mp3 Free
When I got right to the place where it said 'About Face'I thought that all my worries were behindBut the farther I go, more sorrow I knowShould have read (should have read)That detour signDetour, there's a muddy road ahead, detourPaid no mind to what it saidDetour, oh these bitter things I find,Should have readThat detour signWhen I got stuck in the mud all my hopes dropped with a thudI guess that my heart strings are made of twineHave no willpower to get from the hole that I'm in yetShould have read (should have read) that detour sign.