Blown To Bits Pdf Chapter 3
Reading QuestionsPost answers to the following questions on a Portfolio page. We willdiscuss these in class. What is metadata? Give an example. What is a model, as this term is usedin how images and sound recordings are digitized?. What's the difference between a raster imageand an ASCII representation of a text document?. What is steganography and what is it used for?.
What would you have to do to delete a documentfrom your computer so that it could not possibly beread by anyone else?Answers:1) Metadata refers to the data that gives information about documents, images, or any file created. For instance, the last modification date and time of a word document.2) Model is the digital representation of real images and sound recordings into binary codes. When the computer takes the image, or sound data, then the model is created.
And, when it is sent to the printer or CD for MP3 files, the model is now converted to the required file type, and the process is called rendering.Some important info:(digital: one representation of sound wave, and analog: other sampling the sound wave.more frequently you sample, you get better sound). ((Cryptography is used to find whether an image is original or modified.)3) Raster image is the representation of image using division of pixels. (It is like a picture representation of a document). Whereas, ASCII representation (bitmat) of a text document is just the computer representation of the document in the form of ASCII code, which uses one byte (string of 8 bits) per character. Raster image representation is better for the image files like extension with jpeg, jpg, png and so on, whereas ASCII representation is better for the text document types like pdf.4) Steganography is the art of sending secret messages in innocent way (hiding information in plain site).

The message will look like it is innocent, and contains just simple/normal information. But, behind that message, there will be some secret message hiding. It is used to hide the true message under certain 'innocent looking' messages, which is very difficult to be perceived or detectable. So, it can be used to transfer secret messages, without making it look suspicious. It is different from 'cryptography' where we know that the message is being delivered in codes.
So, those messages look suspicious, unlike the message where steganography is used. According to our chapter, terrorists used to use steganography in 2001 to communicate, and send secret messages.Using steganography today, is cheap and easy.5) (Emptying the trash doesn't mean all of the hard drive blocks are erased.
Chapter 2The second chapter of Blown to Bits, entitled Naked in the Sunlight brings forth the alarming fact that in a world of bits, none of one’s information can be protected. The author opens up the chapter with a comparison to George Orwell’s novel 1984, where the characters are always being watched by a government force called Big Brother. In the novel, the ruling party has complete surveillance over all the people, and the author compares this to modern day London. The author cites the Subway bombers of 2005 to prove his point.
During the time of the bombings, London was under heightened security, and by using the footage from surveillance cameras, they had no problem getting images of the bombers and their trip before detonating the bombs. Finally the author draws the conclusion that “1984 is here, and we like it”.Chapter 5In chapter five of Blown to Bits, the author explores the complex world of data encryption, and how to protect data from others who are snooping on your sent data on the internet. The chapter starts out with an example of legislation that was being drafted after the events of September 11 th, 2001. Senator Judd Gregg proposed the idea that all encryption agencies had to provide a back door to their encryptions so the United States could quickly access all information. The legislation was soon forgotten about after the passage of the Patriot Act, and all legislation following never mentioned decryption ever again.Chapter 7Chapter 7 of Blown to Bits focuses on protecting people on the internet, while navigating United States law.
At the beginning of the chapter, the authors introduce the story of Katharine Lester who ran away to the Middle East after meeting a young Palestinian man whom she met on MySpace. The case concerned a lot of lawmakers who decided to pass legislation to protect youth online, but it eventually failed after the law had to be modified, making it unclear and very broad. This also opened up the window for many about cyber predators and since 2006 the FBI has arrested over 2000 “cyber-enticers”.Chapter 8During the dawn of tel-communication, the FCC could easily control what was distributed to the public because both television and radio were unique and easily regulated. The supreme court concluded in 1978 that the government had special intresting protecting the public from radio and TVbecause of its objectionable nature.
Thirty-Five years later the internet is available to the “defenseless” public in many more ways than TV and radio ever were. The authors of blown to bits make it clearly known that they do not want to see the internet regulated so there is not a limit on what can be shared and distributed on the internet. Over the course of my junior year in Web Design, we have done many labs and projects. We've also leaned many new skills that would help us in the final year of Web Design and further on in our career.
Almost all of the labs and projects that we've done this year are webpages, and we created them by using HTML and CSS. To keep a record of the assignments that we have done over the year, we all made websites containing our labs and projects, as well as links to our blogs and teacher's website. When designing these websites, we had the freedom and were able to use our creativity to make these websites unique. The purpose of these websites is not only a record of the assignments of what we done, but is also a representation of the progress we had made from the beginning of the year, to present day. It shows how much we learned and incorporated new skills into our websites.- Click to see and interact with my portfolio. In the book, 'Blown to Bits, the first chapter of the book talks about, the koans of bits (koan means truths). It mentions 7 different koans about bits.
Blown To Bits Pdf Chapter 3 Free
The one koan that I found the most interesting to me was the second koan. The koan was 'Perfection is Normal'. The reason I found this so interesting is because I personally think it's the most honest one out of the rest of the koans. I agree that this koan is true, because, let's say for example, you're sending a friend an email, with a photo attachments. When your friend receives you email, it's going to be exactly the same as you sent it.
The email won't be different from the one you sent. The photo you sent won't be a different picture. It remains the exact same. So when this koan talks about 'Perfection is normal', it means that whenever you send something or duplicate or copy something off your computer or phone, it remains the same, as the way you originally wanted. And in my op.